Tuesday, February 1, 2011

GE (genetically modified) Alfalfa

I am very disappointed by the USDA's decision to deregulated GE alfalfa that were developed by Monsanto, biotech, company. "GE alfalfa is a grand genetic experiment with an unknown outcome. Importantly, this is an experiment which can never be put back in the box! Once you've unleashed GE alfalfa into the wild, you have engaged in an irreversible chain of events impacting the one of the most sacred things on our planet: The DNA of crop seeds."

This decision will affect so many aspects of our food chain.

"Like GE corn and soy, which are already ubiquitous in the nonorganic food supply, GE alfalfa would involve farmers using alfalfa seeds that have been genetically manipulated to withstand dousings of the chemical Roundup (glyphosate)—so-called Roundup Ready seeds. Researchers from USDA and Purdue University have found glyphosate to be quite dangerous, leaving plants susceptible to disease and unable to take up from the soil trace minerals that humans need to survive. The overuse of Roundup has also led to the emergence of superweeds resistant to the chemical weed killer, and opponents of GE crop use say introducing another Roundup Ready crop will only worsen the superweed problem. There's also the issue of cross-contamination, meaning that the genetic material from GE alfalfa could cross-pollinate and contaminate organic alfalfa used in organic dairy and grass-fed beef operations. "Alfalfa is an incredibly important feed for animals," explains Patty Lovera, assistant director of the consumer watchdog group Food & Water Watch. "Maybe you don't eat alfalfa sprouts, but you might eat something that eats alfalfa."

Organic advocates say approval of GE alfalfa also opens the door to Americans' being exposed to even more GMOs in the food supply. For instance, aside from being fed to animals, GE alfalfa could also contaminate organic honey supplies, since bees forage in alfalfa and create nectar that in turn becomes honey for human food. And organic farms, which depend on organic alfalfa, will be vulnerable to contamination. "People who eat organic foods should care about this because alfalfa is a vital crop to organic farmers," explains Ken Roseboro, editor of The Organic & Non-GMO Report. "It is an important feed for organic dairy cows, and organic farmers use alfalfa in their crop rotations to build soil fertility. GE alfalfa is a huge threat to that."  http://www.rodale.com/ge-alfalfa-0

When GE alfalfa gets unleashed, there is a good chance that organic milk, cheese, yogurt, sour cream, or meats won't be organic any more.  How sad is that.  Visit this site and read.  It is informative for everyone. http://www.fitnessgoop.com/2011/02/the-gmo-battle-does-whole-foods-support-monsanto%E2%80%99s-genetically-engineered-alfalfa/

The facts are shocking and irrefutable. All of the quoted passages below are from the USDA’s just-completed Environmental Impact Statement, available for viewing on the USDA website:
•Genetically engineered alfalfa will increase the use of herbicides containing the deadly toxin glyphosate: “The net effect on alfalfa production with the increased adoption and planting of GT [glyphosate-tolerant] alfalfa will likely be some increased use of the glyphosate with a decreased, an unchanged, or an increased use of herbicides.” (p. vii)
•Glyphosate is highly toxic to plants and could affect plants close to the GE alfalfa: “Glyphosate exposure could occur through aerial drift, runoff of surface waters containing glyphosate, or leaching of glyphosate into drainage systems. Plants exposed to glyphosate via aerial drift might experience impaired germination or growth characteristics.” (p. vi)
•As a “non-selective” herbicide, glyphosate kills almost all plant species when enough of it is applied (p. 3) and glyphosate is currently used to remove entire alfalfa fields (p. vii)
•The only safeguard against misuse/overuse of glyphosate on the GE alfalfa are the labeled directions on the herbicide: “EPA has determined that there is no unreasonable environmental risk if the user adheres to the labeled directions.” (p. vi)
•If the USDA confers non-regulated status, it would no longer require permits or notification of the introduction of the GE alfalfa (p. 10). Therefore there will be no oversight on the production or the long-term environmental impacts of GE alfalfa.
•If GE alfalfa is unregulated, there is the risk on contamination with non GE crops: “Although the probability is low, GT alfalfa genes could be found in non-GT alfalfa at low levels. (p. v).
•While the EIS states that there are no adverse effects of GE alfalfa on plants or humans, it recognizes that “unexpected and unintended compositional changes arise with all forms of genetic modification, including both conventional breeding and genetic engineering.” (p. 74) Furthermore, the report bases its safety data regarding allergenicity and toxicity on similar genetically engineered crops—but there is no evidence on the long-term allergenicity and toxicity impact of specifically GE alfalfa on humans and animals. (p. 175) http://www.anh-usa.org/ge-alfalfas-devastating-environmental-impact-statement-and-usda-still-wants-to-deregulate/

Please make informed decision.  Call your state representatives and President Obama to hear your voice.

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