Thursday, February 17, 2011

Detox At CHI #8

Wheat grass is a vegetable not a grain.  Wheat grass eventually grows into make breads and cereals.  Wheat grass is gluten free because the gluten is only found in the wheat kernel.  According to Creative Health Institute, wheat grass is 12% water, 70% chlorophyll bonded with carbohydrate, 12% protein, 2% fat, 1.8% minerals, 2.2% crude fiber and also contains array of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes.

Chlorophyll is almost identical to the human hemoglobin.  The only difference is that chlorophyll contains magnesium in its central atom, and the hemoglobin has iron.  Therefore, the body assimilate chlorophyll easily.

Go to 's blog and find out more information about wheat grass.  It takes a time to get used to,but it has so many benefits for your health.

So green and healthy.... My intention is to grow healthy, juicy, green  wheat grass like Mr. Ron.  This is the green house.

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