Sunday, October 2, 2011

Superfoods #4: Cacao

Magical! Sinful! So tempting.....Desire to satisfy your sweet taste buds... You are walking down the grocery store candy section and searching for that candy you have been craving. You just finished off "Supersized" candy bar or bag, and you feel guilty now. No more guilty!!! Next time eat raw cacao... Have you ever smelled the real cacao? Just smelling cacao indulges your desire....

I really am not a sweet tooth person, but I do love chocolate syrup made with cacao. Cacao, "The food of the gods", is not the same as the processed cocoa powder. In ancient Mexico, the cacao beans were used as currency. The Aztecs called cacao, yollotl eztli,  means " heart blood". The raw cacao bean is considered a superfood because of its nutritional content, but the processed chocolate products we see in the stores are so processed and refined that it has lost the most of the valuable nutrients.

The cacao has:
*antioxidants properties
*vitamin C
*omega 6
*phenylethylamine (PEA)-increases focus and alertness
*anandamide-known as "bliss chemical", endorphin
*methylxanthines: caffeine and theobromine

Many of these nutritional components get destroyed when the heat is applied. If you desire to satisfy your sweet cravings, go for the raw cacao and enjoy with all the benefits.

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