Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Thy Food Shall Be Thy Medicine"

Through the health challenges I have faced over 7 years, not one medical professionals offer me nutritional advises. I was told, "I CAN eat whatever I WANT." When people are diagnosed with diabetes, heart dieseases, or other types of commonly known illnesses, they are told to change eating habits. When people are diagnosed with cancers, we are told that we can eat whatever we want. THAT IS ABSOLUTELY FALSE!
Whether you are healthy or diagnosed with health challenges, you need to shift the way of eating, what you eat, and why you eat. Our society's grocery stores became storage units for the substandard nutritionally valued processed foods.

Currently, I am reading Cancer: 50 Essential Things To Do by Greg Anderson forward by O. Carl Simonton, M.D.
The book talks about importance of incorporating:
whole foods
foods low fat, salt, and sugar
removing white foods (sugar, potatoes, rice, bread, pasta)
"Scientist call sugar an "obligate glucose metabolizer." Loosely translated that means a "feeder." (Cancer: 50 Essential Things To Do by Greg Anderson forward by O. Carl Simonton, M.D.)

If you are facing health challenges, eating nutritional balanced foods needs become one of the most important ways of your life. Also, if you don't have health challenges currently, don't wait until it happens to you.

As Hippocrate said, "Thy Food Shall Be Thy Medicine."

1 comment:

  1. I recently took a raw foods class from an amazing lady in my home town. I loved the philosophies and it makes perfect sense to me. I haven't gone all raw, but I believe I am better off for the "almost raw" style I now live!

    I love your blog!


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