Monday, May 23, 2011

Who Needs White Flour Tortilla Wrap?

refreshing and satisfying
What I notice about vegan or vegetarians that we tend to heavily rely on flour based carbohydrate products. When I really crave something warm and cooked, I tend to eat cooked brown rice. I still love eating rice because I grew up eating white rice 3 meals a day in South Korea. At times, I crave sandwiches or wraps as well. I love to make these veggies wraps using collard green, swiss chard, or nori. I thinly slice cucumber, onion, zucchini, avocado, carrot, pepper, and add mighty alfalfa, sunflower, buckwheat, or broccoli sprouts to prepare these yummy wraps. With homemade dipping sauce, they are filling and satisfying without clogging up your digestive system with the flour based wraps. Summer is coming and gather all of your favorite veggies, fruits, and sprouts to make these for parties or picnics.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pot Luck Party and Mini Class: Lasagna

Dear Friends,

Please reply back by May 31 if you are coming to the pot luck party on June 4 Sat., 5pm to whenever. There will be a door prize, delicious food and a great company.

Please bring
fresh, organic dish
copies of recipes
$5.00 entrance fee
love for food

I am conducting a mini class lasagna. This class is for people who completely level 1 part 1 class. You will make your dish and get to take home a 9x3 glass dish meal home to share with your family and friends. It is $80 per person. I will provide all of the organic, raw materials. All you have to bring is your apron and dish.
It is on June 5, Sun., 1 pm to 4pm. It is a 3 hour class.

Level 1 part 1 class
June 21 and 22, Tues and Wed. from 6pm to 9pm $125 per person
Call for more info
Level 1 Part 2 class
June 28 and 29, Tue and Wed from 6pm to 9pm $175 per person
Call for more info

Introduction to Raw, living food $30 per person, June 27, Mon., 6pm to 8pm. call for more info. Bring a friend and get $5.00 off.

Thank you for your support.
Na, Living food gal
330 727 7251

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Benefit Of Eating Raw/Living Food

When you cook food above 115 degrees, the food enzymes which are protein compounds that we need to perform nearly every bodily function, including digestion, is destroyed. The reserved enzymes in your body need to come to aid in the digestive process; therefore, causing your body to work harder to digest and absorb nutrients. When you eat raw or living food, you are helping your body to work less to digest and allowing the enzymes to do other important activities, like repairing and cleansing. Remember, the older we get, the less enzymes there are in our body.

Also, when you eat raw, you are consuming the full nutritional value the food has to offer, whereas cooked foods lose some of its nutritional value.

A raw food diet rejuvenates the body both physically and mentally. You feel and look younger and healthier. You also become happier and have a more positive outlook on life. Eating raw has so many benefits, ranging from clearing the digestive tract to helping people shed some unwanted pounds.

Trip To CHI With Coco

My dearest friend, Coco, went to CHI with me from May 11to May 15. We met so many people, shared laughs, tears, and learned so much about ourselves. The guests became instant friends with Coco. Coco's teaching reached people's heart and spirit. She taught relaxing yoga and power yoga. Also, her aromatherapy class was an instant hit. People could not get enough information from her. The best class was her Jin-Shin class. Her Jin-Shin knowledge was well recognized that the director of CHI asked her to speak at the Pot Luck party in front of over 40 people. She did awesome. Here are some photos of our adventure at CHI (

Cheryl, Coco, and Meg

Coco teaching

Intern, Marty and Coco

Coco and I are getting ready to go into banya, Russian Sauna.

Madeline (instructor) and Coco are enjoying the heat in the sauna.

Coco is taking a moment to talk with her family.

Tatiana surprised me.  She came to CHI the day before I did. She loves CHI. Madeline and Tatiana.

Coco and Patrick (volunteer from Florida) Patrick is full of jokes and makes people laugh.

Cheryl and Me

Coco and Me

B.J is a person who I admire very much. I learned to think and speak in positive way. He runs CHI's food, beverage, and hospitality department with love and competence.

CHI's Pot Luck Party

Coco is speaking to over 40 people about Jin-Shin.

Ann, who came as a guest and decided to stay as an intern for 3 months. She made a delicious pizza.

Karen, a guest with wheat grass facial mask

Coco's raw pizza

What a rejuvenating time. Coco and Marty put together a druming session. All of us kicked off our shoes and danced with our heart.

I loved it!!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Soft Drinks..... Are They Only Giving You The Fizz Pleasure?

Healing With Vitamins by Prevention Magazine states that "Canned soda contains excess phosphorus, a mineral that could lead to the leaching of calcium from your bones, a potential cause of osteoporosis."
Soda may provide you with instant gratification of quenching your "thirst" for sweet and fizz; however, the long-term and excess consumption can lead to loss of calcium.
"It appears that increased soft-drink consumption is a major factor that contributes to osteoporosis" (The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Michael T. Murray, N. D.)
According to Russell Blaylock, M.D. in Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life, "One study of 460 young, very active girls found that those who drank colas were five times likely to suffer fractures than girls of equal activity who avoided soft drinks."
Soda drinks do not contain any valuable nutrition; they rob your nutrition. Next time, when you are craving for fizz pleasure, imagine your calcium leaching out of your body.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Non or Sweet Almond Milk In Minutes

I love to drink a cold glass of almond milk everyday with my granola or just by itself.

Equipment needed: blender, nutbag
1/4 cup soaked overnight raw almonds
4 pc. soaked dates (sweet, for non sweet do not use dates)
vanilla extract (optional)
pinch of sea salt (optional)
6 to 7 cups purified water

Directions: Just blend for 30 sec. to 1min. Place a nutbag into a bowl and pour the almond milk.  Squeeze. Save the almond pulp and dehydrate and can be used in making crackers or cakes.
Refrigerate almond milk. Will last no more than 3 days.

My son, Will, loves almond milk for breakfast.
*I like my almond milk on the light side. I use 1/4 cup and soak them. After soaking you will have about 1/3 cup of almond. I use 4 pc. of dates to make the milk sweet for my son. The recipe measure is done as I intended.

Almond is pack with nutrition. One oz. of almonds has about 7.4 grams of alpha tocopherol vitamin E, and that meets 50% of RDA and 6 grams of protein per oz. It contains fiber, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, iron.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Superfoods #2 Hempseed

Hemp production history goes way back to 8000 BC according to the Columbia History of the World. History of use of hemp and cultivation found in North America, Europe, and the great civilizations of India, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Persia, Egypt, and Central America.
Hemp plant is resistant to pests and illnesses that it does not require pesticides or herbicides.

Hempseeds have all of the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids. Raw hempseeds contain 33 to 37 percent digestible protein, and have balanced omega-3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Also, rich in omega 9 as well.

Hemp has been used in producing body care products, clothing and fabrics, paper, rope, plastics, and for building materials.

I love to use hempseeds in my smoothie, crackers, or just sprinkle on the salad.

#2 Raw, Living Food Pot Luck Party

Dear Friends,
#1 party was a fun and delicious. #2 pot luck party is on June 4, Sat. from 5pm to whenever.
Bring a dish
Bring copies of your recipe
Bring friends and family members
$5.00 per person
Bring love for food
RSVP by May 29, Sunday. Call for info 330 727 7251
Door prize is 

Come to the party and win the newest book of Ani Phyo

#1 Raw, Living Food Pot Luck Party: Yummy!!!!!!!

WOW!!!! What a spread.  The food was excellent. The conversation brought so much laughter, information, and friendship. The party went on until 9pm and ate absolutely beautiful, delicious food everyone created. The door prize, Everyday Raw cook book, went to David.
I will let the photos speak for me.
The #2 raw, living food pot luck is on June 4, Sat. from 5pm to whenever....
Bring a dish or juice
Copies of recipes
Bring friends and family members
Love for food
$5 per person
There will be a door prize.
Please RSVP by May 29.
Call for more info. 330 727 7251 or e-mail

Daryl, Angie, Na, and Valerie

 Valerie placing her raw noodles with avocado/sesame sauce.
Donna is pouring her sweet carrot, ginger, cucumber, celery, and apple juice.
The green beans were heavenly seasoned.

Angie is monkeying around with the orange slice!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Danger In Your Grocery Car: #5 "Milk, Does It really Make Your Body Good?"

First, what is homogenized milk mean? It means that "milk is physically altered to force the fat molecules to stay in suspension so that they don't rise to the top of the container and make the milk look spoiled."  (Grocery Warning, Mike Adams)   The homogenized milk looks appealing to the consumers, but some doctors and researchers think that homogenized fats "pose a risk to the cardiovascular health of human beings" (Grocery Warning, Mike Adams)

According to Elson Haas, M.D., Staying Healthy With Nutrition, "Milks are also processed products. This natural white substance that comes from cows is heated, treated, and diluted to make even the "normal" homogenized, pasteurized milk;often vitamin A and irradiated vitamin D are then added to "fortify" this food, which some erroneously consider a drink. It loses some vitamin E, biotin, B12, and other vitamins with pasteurization. In my clinical experience, homogenized, pasteurized milk and dairy fats seem to drive cholesterol to high levels."

Also, milk is the second most common food allergy. Russell Blaylock, M.D., Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life, noted that "Several studies have demonstrated that a protein in cow's milk closely resembles the molecular structure of the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, called islet cell. Because the immune system confuses the two, it begins to attack the islet cells by mistake, leading to their destruction."

Furthermore, in 1994, FDA approved the use of rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) to increase the production of milk. Unfortunately, rBGH increases the amount of pus, bacteria, and antibiotic contamination in the milk. According the the, "Dairy scientists are aware that when one quart of milk is tainted with 400 million or more pus cells, some 35 percent of the milking cows in the herd are infected with mastitis."

The facts about cow's milk are;
*cow's milk is nutritionally different from human milk.
*cow's milk is designed to grow a hundred-pounds newborn calf to several hundred pounds with 24 months period.
*cow's milk is lack in magnesium and vitamin D.
*no other animal species drink another specie's milk other than humans.

So, next time when you see the advertisement of the celebrities or famous people with the white mustache, you might want to rethink about the saying, "Milk Does Body Good!"

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Thy Food Shall Be Thy Medicine"

Through the health challenges I have faced over 7 years, not one medical professionals offer me nutritional advises. I was told, "I CAN eat whatever I WANT." When people are diagnosed with diabetes, heart dieseases, or other types of commonly known illnesses, they are told to change eating habits. When people are diagnosed with cancers, we are told that we can eat whatever we want. THAT IS ABSOLUTELY FALSE!
Whether you are healthy or diagnosed with health challenges, you need to shift the way of eating, what you eat, and why you eat. Our society's grocery stores became storage units for the substandard nutritionally valued processed foods.

Currently, I am reading Cancer: 50 Essential Things To Do by Greg Anderson forward by O. Carl Simonton, M.D.
The book talks about importance of incorporating:
whole foods
foods low fat, salt, and sugar
removing white foods (sugar, potatoes, rice, bread, pasta)
"Scientist call sugar an "obligate glucose metabolizer." Loosely translated that means a "feeder." (Cancer: 50 Essential Things To Do by Greg Anderson forward by O. Carl Simonton, M.D.)

If you are facing health challenges, eating nutritional balanced foods needs become one of the most important ways of your life. Also, if you don't have health challenges currently, don't wait until it happens to you.

As Hippocrate said, "Thy Food Shall Be Thy Medicine."

Monday, May 2, 2011

Superfoods #1 Lucuma Powder

This is a new series called, Superfoods.  Today, I would like to introduce to you, Lucuma powder. As we know, the processed sugar is a "toxin" or a "poison" as The New York Times reports. Sugar is sugar whether it is white, brown, or fructose corn syrup. We love our sweets. Sweet flavor is our comfort taste.  Sweet flavor brings happy feelings, satisfy cravings, and increase our waistline as well.  Sugar also feeds cancer cells. 

According to the Epoch Times, a report has found that the United States is the fattest of 33 countries studied. Seventy percent of Americans are now overweight, a number that will increase to 75 percent by 2020 and 86 percent by 2030!
I had to find different food source to satisfy my sweet cravings. I usually grab handful of raisins, eat sweet fruits like bananas, or my daughter's famous cacao slush or my carrot-raspberry slush. At times, I make granola with different sweet powders instead of processed sugar, agave or honey.
I found this "Gold of the Incas", Peruvian fruit, Lucuma. It comes in powder form. Lucuma is an excellent source of carbohydrates, fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin B3, niacin, and iron.  It has a rich maple flavor. I use it for making granola, ice cream, cold drinks or super puck.