Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Love Vitamix!!!!

Healthy Whole Food Meals are Quick, Easy and Delicious!

A whole food diet is the key to a long and healthy life. New recommendations encourage consuming more fruits, vegetables and whole grains every day. This is easily accomplished by eating terrific-tasting, nutrient-rich whole food meals made in the Vitamix machine.

Make whole food juice that's full of fiber and flavor in under a minute.

Cook soup from scratch that's hot, hearty and satisfying in just 4 minutes.

Make frozen treats that are full of fruit and low in fat in only 30 seconds.

Grind fresh whole grains into flour and knead dough for healthy home made bread in one 5-minute operation.

Start your 30-day no-risk in-home trial today and we'll give you FREE Standard Ground Shipping!

Click here to get started -

Removing Toxic Waste Through Sauna

Thera Sauna

finger touch control panel
 Since last year, I have been thinking about purchasing far infrared sauna. I researched for 2 to 3 months, talked with many different indoor sauna companies, and found the one I was very satisfied.
I wanted the sauna uses non-toxic wood and materials.
I wanted the saunas that are made in US.
I wanted the company that stands by their quality.

After talking with many companies, I found out that many of sauna parts are made in China or use woods that are not safe. Over a year later, I finally got one, and I love it. 
QCA Spa, Inc.  (563) 359-3881
Talk to Larry Jones, vice president

Go check it out.  If you are interested in getting one, call Larry.  Talk to him. You never know what kind of deal you can get when you talk to him personally.  Please tell him you got your info from "Na Anderson from Youngstown, Ohio".  He knows me. 

I got the smallest unit and fits two people sitting down or 1 person laying down with legs up like yoga posture. If you would like to see it for yourself or have questions, please call me and come and check it out.

The benefit of far infrared sauna is amazing.  Check it out for yourself.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

May Classes and Party

*Raw, Living Food Pot Luck Party It is at my house. Please let me know if you need a direction to my house.

Bring freshly made organic dish
copies of your recipes
$5 entrance fee
love for food

*I am going to teach at Pure Intention, the wheat grass place in Akron.

Date:May 3, Tues from 6:30 to 8:30 in the evening.
Cost: $30
Address:156 W. North St.
Akron, Oh 44303

This is an introduction to raw, living food lifestyle and a food demo.
Looking forward to meet you.

*Digestion Detox Class for new people on April 30, Sat. from 1 to 5.

You will receive a comprehensive info and how to detox your digestive system like Creative Health Institute Style with a twist. There will be also food demo and taste.
Cost: $170 per person, if you register a week early you will receive $10 off.

*Living Food Banquet Level 1 Part 1 Class

Date: May 21 and 22, sat. and sun 1 to 4, 6 hour class
Cost:$125 per person

I provide fresh, organic food materials and it is a hands-on class. You will receive 8 recipes and take home food to share with your family.

*Living Food Banquet Level 1 Part 2 Class

Date: May 28 and 29, Sat. and Sun 1 to 4, 6 hour class
Cost: $175 per person
I provide fresh, organic food materials and it is a hands-on class. You will receive 10 recipes and take home food to share with your family.

Looking forward to meet you and thank you for your support.
Na, living food gal

I Become.....

Dear Friends,

I have a great news to share with you.
I just found out.

Creative Health Institute (CHI) let me know that I am the first Master raw, living chef to graduate from CHI. Yea!!!!!!! It meant to be surprise, but I found about when I went to their website.

I am going again in May to teach from 11 through 15 for 4 days. I am so excited. It feels like I am going back to my second home.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Raw, Living Food Pot Luck Party

Dear friends,
I am inviting you to my house for raw, living pot luck party on May 7, Sat. from 5 pm to 7pm.
Please bring freshly made organic dish, copies of your recipes, and your love for food.
The entrance charge is $5.00 per person.
Come and meet people to share your passion.

Introduction To Raw, Living Food Class

Dear Friends,
I found this wonderful place in Akron, Ohio "Pure Intentions". They grow beautiful, healthy wheat grass. I am teaching 2 hour class about raw, living food on Tues, May 2, 6:30 to 8:30.  Please join us to learn about healthier way to enjoy life.

Please check out the detailed info through
156 W. North St.
Akron, Ohio 44303
330 923 8822
See you there!!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Are You Being Fed GMO (genetically Modified Organism) Foods?

Dear Friends,
I know that many of you have never heard of GMO. What is GMO? GMO foods are produced in the laboratory by inserting genes of bacteria, viruses, insects, animals, or even humans into the DNA of food crops or animals.

If I tell you that......, how do you feel?
1. Americans have been eating GMO foods since 1996,
2. these multinational biotech companies inserted genes from species like bacteria and viruses which have never been in the human food supply,
3. the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) states, "Several
animal studies indicate seriou health risks associated with GM food," including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system.

Furthermore, United States does not require labeling. I guess you would know the reason for no labeling.

The next question is what are the GMO foods on the market?
1. soy (surprised)

2. corn (shocked)

3. canola

4. cotton

5. sugar beets

6. papaya from Hawaii

7. a little bit of zucchini and yellow crookneck squash

Now, you need to know that the many of these foods are used in many different forms and ways.

For example, the corn is used in feeding domastic animals like cows, chickens, and pigs. The corn is made into corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup (new name: corn sugar), and corn oil. If I tell that over 90% of United States' corn are GMO, would you believe it? The answer is YES!!!! So, what type of corn is your soda you are drinking everyday?

Now, you want to know why they are not labeled on the packages of food we buy. If you have a choice to pick between nonGMO and GMO product, what would you choose? According to Jeffrey Smith, the author of Seeds of Deception, states, "the FDA official in charge of creating this (no label required) policy was Michael Taylor, the former attorney for Monsanto, the largest biotech company, and later their vice president."

Please, do your own research and find more about GMO. Just last month, the biotech company tried to introduce GM salmon in our food supply. The salmons grow twice as bigger than the nonGM salmons in a very short time.

Do you feel that you spend your hard earn money to buy foods of your choice? Think again......

Please visit non-GMO shopping guide at

Also, if you would like to learn in depth, I would recommend Seeds of Deception by Jeffrey Smith.

Banana Ice Cream

We all love ice cream. We love the creamy sweet ice cream. However, here is the reality! Did you know that U.S. milk contains rBGH (recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone)? If you would like to find more about what rBGH milk can do to your body, please check out or a book by Dr. Epstein called What's in Your Milk? This article will blow your mind away because it involves your children's future health.
So, how do we satisfy our desire for ice cream. Frozen banana!!!! Here is the recipe for you will take no more than 5 to 10 minutes to prepare.

Frozen Banana Ice Cream

Equipment needed: food processor,blender, or juicer
Frozen bananas.

1. Defrost 10 minutes before making it.

2. Using one of the machines list above and blend until it becomes smooth.

3. Add 1/2 tsp. lemon juice while blending. (may omit if you don't have lemon juice in hand)

4. Serve it with any topping you desire.

This is my mother-in-law's favorite ice cream now. Also, you cannot beat the nutritional value of banana as well like B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, manganese, magnesium,and fiber.

You can enjoy ice cream without undesirable consequences of eating dairy products with rBGH!
It Does Body Good!

The Green Leaves Between The Steak And The Baked Potato

We see a green stick with green leaves all the time between the steak and the baked potato. That green stick with green leaves is called PARSLEY. Parsley is many times overlooked and often thought as a decorative piece among the meat and the starch. Now, you are about to find out the mighty power of parsley.
Parsley is rich in chlorophyll that aids in detoxification especially in kidney and liver. Also, parsley provides Vitamin A,C, K, and B vitamins, beta carotene, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, potassium, folic acid, and sulfur.

Parsley can:
1. build blood.
2. aid in digestion.
3. boots energy.
4. combats fatigue.
5. dissolves cholesterol.
6. supports the adrenals.
7. strengthens teeth and bones.
8. prevents birth defects.
9. eliminates bloating.
10. reduces inflammation, and many more.
11. detoxifies kidney and liver.

To maximize the benefit of parsley, I like to use in salad, juice, and my energy green soup. Usually, I chop parsley very fine and mix with my salad. Also, I use parsley when I make salad dressing. Juicing parsley is another great way to get all the benefits, but parsley juice should not be drunk by itself and use only one 1 to 2 ounces. I like to add parsley juice in carrot or apple juice.

Next time, when you are eating steak and potato, don't ignore your green leafy friend, parsley!

Living Food Lifestyle Is More Than The Changes Of Your Dinner Plate

When I started a raw, living food journey, little did I know I found "myself" in me. This raw, living food journey transformed me not only physically, but spiritually and mentally as well (I am about 95% raw, living. During the winter time, I do eat hot vegetable soup and cooked brown rice). If you ask my husband, Jim, (we have been together for 22 years), I used to see things half empty. I was a worry wart and thought of what "if" all the time. Now, I see things half full with positive outlook and attitude. Don't get me wrong; I have moments of doubts or feeling down, but it is very rare.

I find myself appreciate my present life so much more with gratitude. Tangible materials did not matter when I was dealing with painful health challenges. I learned that nothing matters more than my own health. When my health was taken away from me, I was not able to enjoy what mattered to me. I felt betrayed by my own body. At times, I imagined that I traded my current body for a painfree new one like the movies. Wishful thinking!!!!

I used to take things for granteed. I never appreciated life force energy, food. I just ate. I never gave any thoughts on how food got on my plate. Now, I have a great deal of appreciation towards to earth, soil, nature, water, air...... Everyday of my life is a gift.

I am very proud of who I am today. My goal in life is when I ask myself, "any regrets?, I want my answer to be "I have done well." I know I am walking and living on that path.

Yummy Dates and Pecan

To satisfy your sweet craving in seconds, you need:
1 Medjool or any types of date
1 pc. raw pecan

Slit a date vertically and remove the pit and insert a piece of raw pecan. Eat!

Dates contain also Vitamin A1, B1, B2, B3, B5, C and more than 20 different amino acids, and also the selenium to lower the risk of cancer and heart diseases. It is rich in dietary fiber, potassium, iron. Dates are also rich in antioxidant flavonoids such as beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.

Pecans are not true nuts, but a drupe. They are rich in vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acid like oleic acid, B-complex vitamin. They are also manganese, potasium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium.

Candida Overgrowth

Surprisingly, I eat vegan 90% raw, living food and 10% cooked food, I am struggling to control candida in my body. I check my candida in the morning by spitting my first saliva in a clear glass filled with water. If you have overgrowth of candida, you will notice cloudy strings or droppings coming down from the spit.

What is candida? Candida is an overgrowth of fungus. When candida growth is out of control in your body, you experience many symptoms such as bloating, constipation, gas, heartburn, brain fog, depression, chronic bad breath, leaky gut syndrome, recurrent vaginal or urinary infections, severe mood swings, memory loss, rectal itching and many more.

I recommend you read CANDIDA HEALTH THROUGH LIVING FOODS BY LALITA SALAS. I am on my way to take control over candida through limiting sweet fruits or vegetables.

When you have a harmony in your digestive system, you will feel so much better and refreshed.

Raw Oatmeal

Raw Oatmeal

For breakfast, I love raw oatmeal. I soak 1/2 to 1 cup of mixed rolled oats and steel cut oats in almond milk for 1 to 2 hours in the dehydrator. I love the chewy texture and taste of warm milk. I do not have this every morning because of Candida issue, but when I do I enjoy it with joy.

Chewy, comforting oatmeal

Why Blend Food?

Why Blend Food?

Blending is an excellent way to receive nutrients for healthy people or people with health challenges because blending provides a complete meal and it is pre-digested. Therefore, the body does not have to work hard to assimilate nutrients. When Rejuvelac is used in preparing the green soup, it acts as an antioxidant. Be cautious not to blend the skins of oranges and grapefruits because they contain toxin as well as carrot and rhubarb greens. Always to remove pits and core of apples, peaches, and plums since they contain cyanide.

Mighty Green Soup

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Danger In Your Grocery Cart 4: Hydrogenated Oils And Trans Fats

When you are grocery shopping and going up and down the isles and grabbing boxes of crackers, cookies, salad dressings, chips, pastries, peanut butter, cake mixes,frozen foods, or other processed foods, do you read your the ingredients lists? If you don't, you must.

If you see the hydrogenated oils, partially hydrogenated oils, or trans fat in the ingredient list, you might want to consider putting it back on the shelf because it is not worthy of your hard earn money.

First, what are these oils and fats? They are artificially produced to increase the shelf life of the food products. These ingredients are detrimental to your health.

When it comes to fat, trans fat is considered by some doctors to be the worst of them all because of its double-barreled impact on your cholesterol levels. Unlike other fats, trans fat — also called trans-fatty acids — both raises your "bad" (LDL) cholesterol and lowers your "good" (HDL) cholesterol.

Trans fat may increase inflammation, which is a process by which your body responds to injury. It's thought that inflammation plays a key role in the formation of fatty blockages in heart blood vessels. Trans fat appears to damage the cells lining blood vessels, leading to inflammation.

Due to the organizations like CSPI and Public Citizen, the FDA required food companies to list trans fat content in January, 2006. There are clear evidences of the link between trans fats and cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. Also, obesity, suppressed immune system, decreased testosterone, deficiency of essential fatty acid, brain function disorders, abnormal sperm production, and low birth weight infants have been linked to hydrogenated oils and trans fats as well. 

"The FDA has decided that since trans fats should be entirely avoided in the diets of all human beings, there is consequently no recommended daily allowance of trans fats. Thus, manufacturers of foods cannot list the trans fat content of their food products in any "meaningful" way on the label, according to the FDA" (Grocery Warning, Mike Adams)

It is very difficult to avoid trans-fatty acids because they are in so many processed foods we consume. Remember, all hydrogenated oils contain trans fats. Please read labels and educate yourself to protect your own health.  Unfortunately, the food manufacturing companies or processed food companies have no interest in your health.  You are the only one who can protect and invest in your future.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Raw, Living Pepper Salsa

Do you like "heat" with your food? My family loves spicy flavor with just about anything. I like to make make this salsa and use it as side dish or topping for anything.

2 cups variety sweet and hot peppers, variety colors, thinly sliced
1 jalapeno, thinly sliced
 2 tsp. parsley, chopped
3 Tbs. apple cider vinegar
2 tsp. lemon juice
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. black pepper

*Add chopped tomatoes (optional)

Hot peppers!
Combine all the ingredients and coat peppers evenly with liquid. Store in a glass jar and keep it in a refrigerator.

Monday, April 4, 2011

What Should We Do With The Leftover Juice Pulp?

crunchy, filling, and nutritious
If you are like me, I juice everyday.  I used to dump the pulp in the compost for gardening or garbage. I felt so bad every time I had to just throw away, so I decided to experiment with it. I made most delicious crackers with leftover fruit and veggie pulp. I love them, and also I use every bit of fruits and veggies without throwing them away. And here is how.

5 to 8 cups carrots, celery, apples. beet, cucumber, or any other pulp (mixed)
1 cup ground flax seeds or chia seeds
1 cup almond pulp, dried (leftover from almond milk, optional)
3 to 4 cups purified water (just enough to wet)

Combine them all together and mix well.  Add more water if you need. Spread on the Teflex sheet using your hands and smooth the top with the icing spatula. Dehydrate at 110 degrees for 6 to 8 and flip it over onto the mesh.  Dehydrate until it is completely dry.  Store them air tight container for a long time. Serve with almond butter.  Delicious!!!!

Raw Living Food Pot Luck Party And Detox Info

Dear Friends,

I am working hard to get detox package ready for you. The package will contain detoxification with green soup, juicing, and wheat grass in depth. Also you get to taste some samples as well. For April 30 detox class, you will also have food demo and tasting as well.

*April 11, Monday, 6pm to 9pm.This class is for anyone who HAS taken at least one living food class.
Cost: $130, If you reserve and pay before April 9, sat., you will receive $10 off. This price does NOT include enema kit or wheat grass.

*April 30, Saturday, 1pm to 5pm. This class is for anyone who is interested in learning detox and living food. This include recipes, food demos, tasting, detox and living food information. Cost is $170. You will receive $10 off if you reserve and pay before April 23, Sat.
This price does NOT include enema kit or wheat grass.

I am planning a raw living food pot luck party. Please come and meet your other chefs and share your interests and be merry.

Date: May 7, Saturday, 5pm to 7pm
Cost: $5.00 per person (I will provide dishes, drinks and other necessary things)
1.raw, living food dish(Please prepare as much as organic and fresh possible)
2.your dish recipe (make some copies to share with your friends)
3. Bring friends and family members with you.
Please let me know by May 1st. Sunday, if you are coming.
Thank you for your support and have a great day.