Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Danger in Your Grocery Cart 1: What Is In Your Packaged Meat?

First, get your lunch meat package out, turn it over to the ingredient section, and start reading. Do you see an ingredient called, "sodium nitrite (sodium nitrate)"?

This ingredient is used in the meat industry as a color fixer and as a protection against botulism.  Sodium Nitrite is found in virtually packaged meat like bacon, hot dogs, deli meat, beef jerky, corn beef and more likely your Thanksgiving ham.

When you consume sodium nitrite, it results in creation of "nitrosamines" in your digestive system.  Nitrosamines are highly carcinogenic (cancer causing) chemicals.  Some laboratory researchers use nitrosamines to induce cancer in animals in medical experiments.

The Citizen Petition Seeking Labeling of Nitrate Preserved Hot Dogs for Childhood Cancer Risk stated that:
"Nitrites are widely used as preservatives in hot dogs, besides other meat products. Nitrites combine with amines naturally present in meat to form carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds.  N-nitrosodimethylamine has been identified as nitrite preserved meat products. There is overwhelming evidence on the carcinogenicity of N-nitrosodimethylamine in animal experiments.  Furthermore, epidemiologic evidence has associated N-nitroso carcinogens with cancer of the oral cavity, urinary bladder, esophagus, stomach, and brain"

The USDA tried to ban use of sodium nitrite in the 1977, September 19, by Assistant Secretary for Food and Consumer Services of the USDA, Carol Tucker Foreman, but the meat industry accused of her trying to "ban bacon".  Eventually, her work failed, and we are still consuming sodium nitrite in packaged meat products. I am sure you are aware that Oprah got sued  by the meat industry and took 7 years and $1millions later, she was acquitted.

There has been studies that show sodium nitrite promotes colon cancer, bladder cancer, and brain tumors.  

So, how do we avoid sodium nitrite?  There are packaged meat out in the grocery stores that are produced without sodium nitrite.  The package indicates "uncured".

Please read labels on any processed foods to protect you and your family from danger!  Do your own research of this ingredient and you will find more information about it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Danger In Your Grocery Cart!!!!

Would you like to find out what you are buying with your hard earn money to feed your love ones?  Starting next post, I am going to write about unhealthy ingredients in your grocery carts.  I am going to help you to start identifying unhealthy ingredients.

Living Food's Kitchen.

I love to create raw/living food for me and my family to enjoy.  My daughter, Sam, and I put our thinking caps on and contemplate about different spices, herbs, sweets, treats, and meals.  We love simple and easy preparing recipes.  We like our recipes to take no more than 15 to 30 minutes to make a meal with simple directions.
We like when we use no equipments.  We like to prepare our meals mostly with a knife and cutting board.  When we do use any type of kitchen equipments, we use food processor the most.  We believe most of you own one.  We make marinara sauce, chili, cookies, sauce, pudding...... the possibilities are endless. Now, if you like to be a little fancy in preparing living food, a high speed blender comes in handy.  we believe you might already own one of those blender to make fruity Margarita drinks.  With a high speed blender, you can make creamy desserts, almond milk, soup.... also the possibilities are endless. 
So far so good.... before you even realize your kitchen is already equip to create raw/living food.  We love creating treats.  My daughter and I like to fiddle with a machine called, dehydrator.  This machine is not necessary to have to be raw/living food.  We like to use it make lunch snacks like fruit leather (replacing those artificially colored or flavored chewy candy), crackers, chips..... again the possibilities are endless.
We like our dehydrators, but mostly we use knives, cutting boards, and food processor.  Most of my clients were very surprised to find out how quickly they were able to create delicious dishes.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Raw/Living Walnut Fudge

Raw Living Walnut Fudge

Are you looking for a living food dessert recipe that only takes less than 5 minutes to make? Make this simple 3 ingredients fudge for your family and friends. Best of all this is raw/living.
Walnut Fudge
1 cup raw walnuts
1 cup raw raisins
1/4 tsp. sea salt

Using a food processor to process until thoroughly mixed. Form into desired shape and refrigerate to chill.
 Walnut Nutritional Fact

walnut fudge and strawberries
Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, manganese, copper, and trypophan. Omega 3 fatty acids plays important role in lowering LDL and improves HDL.